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THANK YOU for making the museum's work possible!

i-mag-jen Charities, Inc. paves the way for KidsWork Children's Museum

A generous donation from i-mag-jen Charities, Inc. made the Museum's opening within the 2008/2009 school year possible. I-mag-jen Charities Inc. co-founders Maggie McEnery and Jennifer J. Christopher stated, "KidsWork Children's Museum fits right in with IMAGJEN's mission of helping children. It has always been our motto to "IMAGJEN the impossible and make it a reality.'

Donor Circles and Descriptions (1)

LEGACY CIRCLE: Platinum Level ($100,000+)
Incentives: Recognition on donor wall in perpetuity. Recognition on website. Lifetime family membership. Mojo Market gift shop discount. Use of the Museum for a private event.

FOUNDERS CIRCLE: Sterling Level ($50,000 - $99,999)
Incentives: Recognition on donor wall in perpetuity. Recognition on website. Lifetime family membership. Mojo Market gift shop discount. Use of the Museum for a private event.

VISIONARY CIRCLE: Green Level ($25,000 - $49,999)
Incentives: Recognition on donor wall in perpetuity. Recognition on website. Lifetime family membership. Mojo gift shop discount. Use of the Museum for a private event.

HERITAGE CIRCLE: Orange Level ($5,000 - $24,999)
Incentives: Recognition on donor wall in perpetuity. Recognition on website. Family membership for one year.

FAMILY CIRCLE: Pink Level ($2,500 - $4,999)
Incentives: Recognition on donor wall in perpetuity. Recognition on website. Family membership for one year.

CIRCLE OF FRIENDS: Blue Level ($500 - $2,499)
Incentive: Recognition on website. 


(1) Only single, all cash donations qualify for Legacy Circle, Founders Circle, Heritage Circle, Family Circle and Circle of Friends status. In kind, cumulative and aggregated donations do not qualify. These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice from time to time in our sole discretion.
(2) As of April 18, 2019, Circle of Friends donors ($500‐$2499) will no longer be added to the donor wall. Circle of Friends donations received after April 18, 2019 will be recognized on the KWCM website.


donoros list